Proud Sponsors of FarmAid 2016!
Food is at the root of all culture, and there's no food without farms...
HimalaSalt is proud to join FarmAid in making a powerful impact on the future of farming. 5% of HimalaSalt profits support Sustainable/Restorative Agriculture, Youth Farming Education, and Heirloom Seed Saving.
For 30 years, FarmAid has empowered family farms, and strengthened our food system at home.
Helping Farmers Thrive
Since 1985, Farm Aid has answered 1-800-FARM-AID to provide immediate and effective support services to farm families in crisis. Now Farm Aid’s online Farmer Resource Network connects farmers to an extensive network of organizations across the country that help farmers find the resources they need to access new markets, transition to more sustainable and profitable farming practices, and survive natural disasters.
Taking Action to Change the System
Farm Aid works with local, regional and national organizations to promote fair farm policies and grassroots organizing campaigns designed to defend and bolster family farm-centered agriculture. We’ve worked side-by-side with farmers to protest factory farms and inform farmers and eaters about issues like genetically modified food and growth hormones. By strengthening the voices of family farmers, Farm Aid stands up for the most resourceful, heroic Americans—the family farmers who work the land. Farm Aid’s Action Center allows concerned citizens to become advocates for farm policy change.
Find out more: http://www.FarmAid.org